Comments on [Closed] Semi Sale, MYO Sale, and More: November 2023

CosmicShenanigans's Avatar

purchasing a rixixi semicustom! + primal subspecies + uncommon mut x2 Total: 40 + one slot to +5 so total,, 45 usd!

2024-01-07 09:32:41

pawstepsinthesnow's Avatar

Payment confirmed~! Please use this comment chain as proof for your semicustom. In addition, here's your slot!

2024-01-09 19:28:59

pawstepsinthesnow's Avatar

Hello hello! Could I get your Paypal so I can send you an invoice? If you don't feel comfortable sending it openly, you can message me on Discord at @pawstepsinthesnow or DM me on dA or Weasyl under the same un :3

2024-01-07 17:25:22