_Zhaya sits silently, staring and blinking in concern, paw to one chin as if she forgot it was there. Kashe steps forward, deciding to speak up._ "Well, that's as good a reason as any t' book it! May they keep having grand adventures, then, how 'bout that."
Cahlan 053 has completed Story Mode: Main Quest Chapter 1! They have gained 200 EXP, and have unlocked access to Breeding, and may level up to Rising once they have the needed EXP!
Anarchie Staff Member
_Zhaya sits silently, staring and blinking in concern, paw to one chin as if she forgot it was there. Kashe steps forward, deciding to speak up._ "Well, that's as good a reason as any t' book it! May they keep having grand adventures, then, how 'bout that." Cahlan 053 has completed Story Mode: Main Quest Chapter 1! They have gained 200 EXP, and have unlocked access to Breeding, and may level up to Rising once they have the needed EXP!
2022-08-02 01:10:35
Feature Comment