Profile RXX-540: Harbinger of the Funeral Pyre
Owned by Chasmhouse
Harbinger of the Funeral Pyre
Gender and/or Pronouns:
The ghostly Harbinger is a follower of the Horseman Death, often traveling to the Chasm to seek it out for wisdom. They see the Horseman as a wise, guiding figure - many Ghosts do, especially those that aren't sure of their purpose. Recently, they've taken interest in B-NOMALY traditions, especially that of the Snowbunny Solstice and its celebration of making it through another year. Perhaps their purpose is joining other species through their years?
Despite their fearsome appearance, the Harbinger is gentle, typically appearing to those in danger and guiding them to safety. Once their charge is safe, they disappear again into the dark, roaming alone in contemplation.
Design Notes: Harbinger (No Transparency)
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