Profile RXX-524: The Dead Eyes

Owned by Steampvnks

The Dead Eyes

Nicknames: Eyes
Gender and/or Pronouns: Any are fine really, Eyes refers to themselves as "We." On occasion, it seems they take a liking to She/Her
Upon meeting Eyes, they seem rather calm and even sweet at times. They're usually found lounging around anywhere they can, seeming to not have a care in the world. Yet, every now and again, there's a glimmer of chaos in their eyes. When such a mood strikes, a lot of trouble seems to follow and in some occassions, can be rather dangerous. Some say Eyes is good, others that they're evil...Eyes considers themselves bored and only partakes in anything that seems entertaining. The alignment of such actions has nothing to do with it. As a result, Eyes has found it difficult to make friends.
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