Profile RXX-472: Monica
Ashera | Monica
Mon is honestly a strange ixi and even stranger domestic. Unlike most, she would much rather be out exploring the world than exploring the web and as a result, she has made a reputation for herself. She may be small and some even view her as frail, but the ixi is actually a bounty hunter! You'd think such a tiny cat would have difficulty catching criminals and you're right. As a result, she travels with Kylo who, unlike her, isn't much of a hunter. But his size and overal strength (specially as a chupacabra) is her greatest "weapon." Not to mention, the big scaredy-cat is a good companion to an ixi who's got a knack for not fitting in. Mon's also known for making weapons and prosthetics in her free time given she's met some really beat up creatures and ixi along the way. Even with her "not-so-approachable" demenor, Mon is actually very cheerful and friendly....she's just not a big fan of being the center of attention or having too many eyes on her.
Fun fact: Please don't disturb her when online and has DnD status, she is more than likely looking at materials for her inventions and gets rather cranky when interupted. Or motorcycles. She takes her motorcycles very seriously.
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