Profile RXX-326: Bors le Voyant

Bors le Voyant

Nicknames: The Blacksmith, The Seer, Nox, V̵̶e̢yḑ͡ó̶r̕ ̸͏͘K̨̨ơn̢͢͡ru̷n̨̡

Patient, knowledable, wise, refined; but tends to be withdrawn, has a caustic tongue when pushed too far, and is slow to forgive. The blind blacksmith. Can forge anything into a blade, even things that cannot nessecarily be seen or grasped. Proud of his work and loathe to back down from a challenge. Lost his eyesight to a cursed blade at a young age-- the incident left him plagued by visions of the future that are always true but might not always come to pass; and frequently leave him without an anchor in the present. And as many know, things that are true are often the hardest to bear. 
Fond of liquor.