Profile RXX-302: RAD

Owned by Syllecia


Nicknames: Radioactive Deer, Radiation, Radiation Activated Doe, Hell Child, Am I Tripping Or Are You?

A sad, terrified Rixixi who is generally scared of anything and anyone, including herself. She has moved around from one terrible place to the next. She doesn't talk much. RAD is explained to have been a science experiment gone wrong, an alien abduction, a terrible trip to Chernobyl, and/or having been dipped in the Chasm a few times too many. Nonetheless, no one really knows exactly why she looks so messed up.
She claims to have a glass hand, and most believe her, but if you know anything about Rixixi then you know she just has Stained Glass. But don't tell her or she'll run away crying. And probably fall.