Profile RXX-294: White Alien Syndrome

Owned by Shadzerios

White Alien Syndrome

Nicknames: Shiro, White

Scientist | Charismatic | Curious | Under surface level headed
Shiro has always been fascinated within studying highly inteligent lifeforms, such as humans for example. Once they crashlanded onto a planet with early civilization a lot similar to Earth. The first thing they saw was a white albino alien, which probably explains their name "White Alien Syndrome" the best. That hadn't been the first time this happened either and because of this Shiro found it so humorous that he decided to make it official! No matter how many times people call them with this name Shiro simply seems unable to hold out a laugh or a chuckle. This more like a scientist and researcher uses her wing as if secondary hands, only with moving and carrying light objects thought that helps them with their work in the office. Shiro often comes off a very optimistic researcher who has charmisma to spair, however only few people know that he uses his charismatic talents more into his advance and actually is rather level headed and realisic minded under the pale skin.