Profile RXX-265: Sir Lancelot du Lac

Owned by iiixkitsunexiii
Image #630
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Sir Lancelot du Lac

Genotype: Aa/Bb/Dd/Oo/nLum/nPt/nAc/nTn/nDs/nKph+Drake/Wing
Phenotype: Bioluminescent Midnight with Points, Accents, Tan, Daggerstabbed, and Kaurphyt Lines
Mutations: Drakespines, Wings
Element: Undiscovered
Radiation Level: Stable
Power: Rising
Stats: HP: 1010 || Attack: 400 || Defense: 400 || Special: 400 || Speed: 400
Conditions: None
Due to immense Chasm exposure, this Rixixi has Stage 3 Radiation Sickness and suffers the following effects:
Infertility+: When breeding, this Ixi has a 60% chance of only having 1 cub, a 20% chance of throwing an empty litter, and a 20% chance of having a normal litter locked at the natural minimum (2). Permanent.
Defiant++: Any stat boosting items can have any of the following effects applied to them: (rolled 1-100) 1-50 halves the effect (rounded up), 51-80 works as normal, 81-100 doubles the item's effectiveness. There is a 50% chance that the stat boost will be applied to a random stat instead of the intended one. Does not apply to level ups. Permanent.
Mutation Station x2: Wings, Tail Fluff, Expression, Mane
Accessory x1: Ribbons
Special Background: Fall in Quarantine
Mymber Tome:
Battle Sword:
Mymber :

If Chasmjumping with a Rixixi with this companion equipped, the player can request Teleportation, Danger, or Eyeseeking*, and the Mymber will attempt to lead the Rixixi to one of the Chasmjumping rolls in the selected category - 25% success rate!

A Mymber can also, if equipped to a radiation sick Rixixi, nullify the effects of one of the Radiation Sicknesses so long as the Mymber stays equipped! (Please specify which radiation sickness will be nullified when applying companion)

Chasm Companion - Immune to Zoonotic radiation sickness types!

*Teleporation includes Pathway, Parsec, and Liminal.
Danger includes Altercation, Facedown, AlternateFatality, and Prepare For War.
Eyeseeking includes Euphoria and Event Horizon.


Pack Cat :

This companion can add on an entire additional roll (including seasonal item returns) to its companion Rixixi whenever the Rixixi it is attached to is depicted in an exploration or mining roll! The additional roll will be rolled with base stats rather than the Rixixi's stats, as the Pack Cat is picking up the items rather than the Rixixi.

Winterbringer Deer - Kanosel Katu : [Custom Skin]

The Rixixi with this companion cannot bring back less than 2 items in any loot-dropping activity if the piece has ice or snow portrayed.

Also automatically adds the Deepearth Brew boon to any roll: Doubles the quantity of all returned items in the activity, but will not double the return of items that were found due to the use of items that guarantee the return of a certain item, such as Glass Bottle and its ability to return 1x Water, 1x Science Kit, or 1x Deepearth Brew. Deepearth Brew cannot be used on this Rixixi as it would have the same effect.

28 June 2022, 03:27:40 UTC

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
Parent 1
Parent 2
RXX-213: Parker

Uploaded to dA September 18 2018


Chasmhouse Avatar
Chasmhouse Staff Member
Featured by Owner
**BREEDING** **Slot granted to**: [@ the recipient here!] **Distribution**: Full/Split **Inbreeding rules**: Allowed/Disallowed **Resale rules**: This slot can be: Sold/Traded/Gifted

2022-08-19 04:05:38 (Edited 2022-08-19 04:05:41)

iiixkitsunexiii Avatar

Veluchasm Festival slot used, does not count against slot total:

2024-09-12 05:21:50

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member
**Veluchasm Ketixi breeding:** This does not count against slots used!

2022-08-31 02:56:21

See More Replies
Chasmhouse Avatar
Chasmhouse Staff Member
Featured by Owner

2022-06-28 03:27:55 (Edited 2022-06-28 03:27:59)

Chasmhouse Avatar
Chasmhouse Staff Member | **Sir Lancelot du Lac 265 has completed Here There Be Dragons Chapter 3! They have gained 500 EXP, and have been awarded 30 Positive Karma!**

2022-06-28 03:28:53

Chasmhouse Avatar
Chasmhouse Staff Member | **Sir Lancelot du Lac 265 has completed Story Mode: Main Quest Chapter 1! They have gained 200 EXP, and have unlocked access to Breeding, and may level up to Rising once they have the needed EXP!**

2022-06-28 03:28:27

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