Profile RXX-152: One Jump Ahead
Owned by iiixkitsunexiii
One Jump Ahead
Lotus (preffered), Glowy, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!?", Axe-butt, Swifty, "You're not sneaky, you glow."
A dirty sneak-thief with a quick paw. One would think that she'd stand out, what with the glowing limbs and the fogshard, but nope, she's become a one-ixi-rise-in-crime. Oops?
She can often be found sneaking around with her Receiving-Parent, Corona. For totally well intentioned reasons. Totally.
It's unknown if she can actually see or if the fogshards have completely overtaken her eyes. She navigates the world better than one would expect... but she also has a habit of finding chasm rifts.
Design Notes: Fogshard is symmetrical, and tail is an Axe, not a club. It's very good for stabbing things.