Profile RXX-136: Noctua

Owned by pokeapache


Nicknames: Noc, Galaxy Eyes

Noctua does not understand many things, but she does know something: eyes do not belong inside of her body. She has removed them personally-- unfortuantely, she also discovered that eyes are quite tasty, however, and often her floating eyes have to hide in her tentacles. She has really soft, plush fur and rough, jagged scales, and tends to scratch her tummy on anything solid enough to be used as a scratching post. She tends to see things that others don't, and also has a terrible sense of depth/sizes since her eyes are all over the place. She is very vain and can be easily won over with compliments, but insults tend to make her very upset-- she is not a violent Ixi, but can be prone to lashing out when prodded to much.