Profile KX-010: I'm Not Calling You A Liar

Owned by iiixkitsunexiii


Nicknames: Inc, Cyal ("Kyall")
Gender and/or Pronouns: Ey/em/eir

-Ketucari Import: -

~There's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep
Wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks~

A miracle. Incyal was one of the first ketixi, eir parents approaching Steele directly to request help once Incyal's older siblings had left the nest.
A miracle. A sign of peace after years of turmoil for The Champion and The Bard.

A miracle. Chipper, bright, friendly. Bearing eir father's silver tongue and eir mother's inherent need to do what's Right, Incyal strives to meet what ey believes are eir parents' expectations. To be a Champion of Justice. To be Quick and Smart, a dashing rogue. Ey wants so much to make eir parents happy--even if it kills em.

~Then it walks, then it walks with my legs
To fall, to fall, to fall at your feet~

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