Submission (#1442) Approved

21 October 2023, 08:32:51 UTC (1 year ago)
23 March 2024, 04:14:46 UTC (11 months ago) by Anarchie


Link to participating Rixixi:
Prompt responding to:"your earliest childhood memory"


Reward Amount



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Fey's Bank

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Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member
"Interesting," _Zhaya says._ "So you were born in the Chasm? You have no memories before that? Hmm. What was your memory of your guardian like, then? Do you get along well?" [You're almost there! Please reply to this comment with a second piece replying to the NPC's prompt! Illustrations should be fullbody and fully colored with at least a somewhat detailed background; Literature should be 600+ words. When you reply with a second piece, an admin will check it over to make sure it looks fine and then let you know that you've completed this chapter!]

2023-10-24 22:30:16

Fey Avatar
Fey here is the second illustration

2024-03-22 08:24:52

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member
_A look of concern crosses Zhaya's face briefly, from what she knows of the Phoenix, but she hides it away, she's not here to judge._ "It's always good to be read to by our loved ones, I'm glad you had someone to do that for you." **Vestige RXX-571 has completed Story Mode: Main Quest Chapter 1! They have gained 200 EXP, and have unlocked access to Breeding, and may level up to Rising once they have the needed EXP!**

2024-03-23 04:12:53

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