Adoption Center Dropoff

Drop off an Ixi at the Adoption Center and receive a gift basket for your time!


For the main Adoption Center page, go here!

Have a geno that you don't have a plan for and don't feel like selling or trading? You can drop them off here for a gift basket of items and some store credit!

When you turn in a geno, you get:
10 Festival Currency of the current season
4 randomized common-uncommon non-contraband crafting items (One of the items will be a stack of 5)
And Adoption Credits:
For each geno traded in
If the geno has a rare gene, combination mutation, or is a subspecies
: 3x Adoption Credits
If the geno has an uncommon gene/mutation (and no rares/combos)
: 2x Adoption Credits
If the geno has only common genes/mutations
: 1x Adoption Credit
(These are per geno, not per gene - don't worry, the buyables are priced to match this!)

Check out Adoption Credit Rewards to see what you can get with your Credits!

Now that you know what you can get, include this form in your comments if you want to drop off a geno for rehoming:
Proof of Ownership: [Breeding or otherwise]
Geno/Pheno: [With number if breeding or otherwise relevant]

You can drop off multiple genos at once, and you can drop off imports here as well!


Reward Amount
Spring Shortcake 10
Adoption Center Gift Basket (but there's 5x) 1
Adoption Center Gift Basket 3
Adoption Credits 1