Long Fur (+Lfur) (Uncommon)
Category: RXX Fur Length Mutations
Species: Rixixi
Thick, fluffy fur, to accommodate the harsh cold of space and also to allow many pets.
- Long fur is primarily a lineart edit. Markings appear as they usually would beneath the new lines, and marking ranges can stretch to accommodate the new lineart.
- Long fur does not interfere with Forgeblood showing through skin, as it has a set range. As Albinism, Bicolor, and so on do not have a set range, make sure to pick a reasonable location for skin tone to peek through short fur!
Long Fur's bases can be found here:
Standard Long Fur
Primal Long Fur
Domestic Long Fur
Funerary Long Fur
Dwarf Primal Long Fur
ONLY ONE UNCOMMON- OR COMBINATION- RARITY FUR LENGTH MUTATION CAN DISPLAY AT ONCE! (Common rarity fur length mutations display on part of the body instead of the full body.)
Most Fur Length mutations cover the full body and cannot naturally combine (without being a combination mutation). If a Rixixi carries two (or more), they can display one and carry the other.
1 result found.