Judge, Jury, and the Netherworld
Full prompt here!
OPTION 1: Qaeturna
You won't need to shake anyone down. It's like Qaeturna just said - there's plenty of less-than-reputable things going on in the Steps, and you can investigate any of that. Maybe you could look into how the Primals expect to get any supplies into their camp while stopping scouts at the door.
Maybe someone on the outside has a way to transport goods into the caves... if you know who, you could ask them if they know anything.
OPTION 2: Rebel
Let's give this community service a test run. You could ask the miners if they need any help, drop off supplies or clean up with Rebel, help mediate an apology from Rebel, etc. They want to help, so might as well get started, right?
OPTION 1: Rebel
This is getting ridiculous, now the chief is possibly missing? Just go, run for it while Qaeturna is trying to talk to someone else. You could provide a distraction or escape route or really anything useful here. Throw a gigantic costume over Rebel and try to make it look like two Ixi inside it. Anything. Whatever you choose, though, Qaeturna will probably be hot on your trail and fairly disappointed.
OPTION 2: Qaeturna
Did they just say shakedown and forgery? Didn't know they had it in them. Well, the Nether Steps has plenty of shady customers looking to make a nice handful of gems without a lot of scrutiny, so there should be plenty of people to harass or pay off, whatever your preferred method is - just keep in mind that being witnessed attacking someone is a good way to get kicked out of the Steps, so be careful who you show your fists to.
Rewards During Karma Season:
30 Karma (Positive or Negative depends on path)
Track your Rixixi's Karma here.
Rewards At All Times:
500 EXP on completion
Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.